Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Writing Buddies

Writing buddies are exactly what they sound like. People who are your friends and they write too. I have several of them and they are wonderful. I've never actually met them in real life but they are my favorite people to talk.

What you can use writing buddies for:
  • To talk to them. They are there for you to talk to. You're both going on some kind of journey with your writing, why not commiserate with each other? Share your ups and downs.
  • Bounce ideas back and forth. When you get stuck, Writing Buddies are the best way to get over the bump you are stuck on. I love helping my writing buddies figure out their novels. It's always nice to be helpful when needed.
  • To point out mistakes. Writing buddies help you with almost ever aspect of your writing. They can be a beta reader, a critique partner - anything. Your writing buddy could help you in many areas.
  • To inspire. They can inspire you to continue writing or editing. Whatever task is daunting to you. Tell them and let them help you find the inspiration that you need.
  • To be a friend. This kind of ties in with talking to them. This person isn't just going to know about your writing life. They are going to know about you too. You learn to connect with them and trust them. You become friends with them.
  • They have your back. They are going to be a support system that is a bit different from the people who support you and aren't writers. They might be the only support you have when it comes to writing. They have the same goal and want you to succeed. If they warn you about a scam, you should probably heed that warning. They aren't being jealous. If they are, then you got yourself a shitty writing buddy. 
These are only the simple things that they can do for you. But you have to be willing to give as much as you receive. You have to be willing to put forth an effort for them as well. Also, don't get pissed off at them for giving you their opinion. When you ask someone for help, they are just telling you how they see it. They are allowed to have their own opinion. If you don't want to hear negative feedback, then don't ask.

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