Thursday, January 15, 2015

Writing Resolution: Editing

 Goals: What is your one main goal for this year? Call it your writing resolution. Not two. Not five. Your main and only one. And why is it your goal? 
Bonus:Make a mantra to tell yourself all year when you feel as if you can’t reach this goal. Share it with us! 

This year, for me, my focus is all on editing. I have a lot of projects to get through this year. One might not be fully finished by the end of the year due to the massive changes but I want to get it out of the first draft stage. There will be writing but it's not what I'm working with this year. Most of my writing will focus on short stories rather than full on novels. I will write a few novels this year but I don't have many planned. 

Editing is my primary goal because it's the next step I need to take if I want to try to publish something soon. It might not be a novel just yet but a short story or a series of short stories. Whatever it is, I just want to get something ready for publishing.

As for a mantra, I don't have one that goes with my current goal. At least, I don't have one right now. One might come to me later, as I continue to edit.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Yay editing...except I need to get back into it. It's not usually so troublesome when I don't have to go back and rewrite the first part of the novel but I'm still going.

  2. Wow, lots of editing going on this year! Good luck!

  3. Ooo, editing. I need to do some of that as well, but I've never really done it before so even though I was finally able to finish things last year, I haven't even looked at editing. I'll have to do a bit of that this year...

    Good luck!

    1. A little at a time will help when it comes to editing. I try to do a lot at once but until I figure out a method that works for me, I'm taking it slow.
