Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Editing Begins

This week was pretty good. I'm currently 44,148 words into my novel. After it went astray for awhile, I finally got it back on track. Thankfully, I'll be able to edit those scenes out later this year when I decide to edit it.

I recently printed out my stand alone novel Dowsers for editing. I just started editing it so it should be fun. I'm pretty excited about editing this one. I'm not sure if I'll publish it but I'll enjoy it, at least.

Well, other than that, that's all that really happened for me this week. Reaching 750 words is getting harder and harder. I might change my goal to something lower. Maybe 500 words next month. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

School, Work, and Writing

This last week was my first week of having classes, a full time job, and trying to write and edit projects at the same time. Well, the first week this year and the first time in a very long time. It turned out pretty well. Writing 750 words was a lot easier than I expected it to be. I had to squeeze it in from time to time.

Thankfully, I managed to do it consistently for the last 17 days. I'm hoping to keep it up. Tuesday might be an issue but I'll work it out.

My weekly word count is, 6,484 words. My grand yearly total so far is 36,605 words. Not too bad. My novel is going to be ridiculously long though. I'm not even a third of the way through it yet. Though, I do know that there is going to be a lot of editing with this one.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Keeping Up with 750 words

This week was a bit tricky. My work hours make it a bit harder for me to fit in my writing time and with my class starting on Monday, it's going to make it even harder. 750 words a day becomes hard. Though I managed to keep up with it on top of the things I had to do for work.

I can't say how many words I wrote for this week, but as of right now my monthly total stands at 30,121 words. With editing, I clocked in my 10 hours for the month. Now, I'm going to prepare to work on it in February. I need to print everything out.

As far as reading goes, I'm not doing too well in that department. The book I picked isn't really holding my interest which isn't good. I'm going to push myself through it to see how it goes.
There is a whole list of books I want to read this year and I'm stuck on the first one.

Overall, it was a pretty good week.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

WriYe Goals

WriYe Blogging Circle is back. Hopefully, I can keep up with it this year.

What’s your Wriye Word Count goal and why did you chose it? What are you going to be focusing on this year? What are you doing differently this year compared to last year

Set your intention for this year. Share it with us!

My WriYe word count goal for this year is only 300,000 words. It's not a large goal but a more reasonable one for me this year. I decided to aim low so I could actually reach my goals (both writing and personal). My main focus this year will be writing my novel series. It's a 5 novel series, the first two novels are already planned out.

Another thing I'm focusing on is editing. I still have that short stories series that needs to be edited, but after the 3rd short story, I need to rewrite the other two and add several more 10,000 word short stories to go with it. There are just so many things that need to happen with this project that I realized it won't be finished any time soon. So my main editing focus is a stand alone novel called Dowsers (for now, at least). I wrote this novel two years ago and it currently stands at 122,000 words. There is a lot of work that needs to go into this novel.

Last year, I focused mostly on editing. I didn't get very far with that. In fact, I think I only finished about 2 1/2 stories. I'm pretty sure I wrote more than I edited. My goal is still pretty low for word count but it's manageable. That's what I'm going for.

My intention for this year, in terms of writing and editing, is to prepare for publication at some point. Currently, I know I'm not ready for publishing, since I don't have a single story that I would share with others. Hopefully, soon, I'll be at that point.

Friday, January 1, 2016

January Goals

The beginning of the year is going to be harder to start off than my normal years. With my classes starting mid-January, I need to try to get ahead of the game before then but if I don't manage to finish, I still have the rest of the year. Because 2016, I'm taking it a bit slower than I usually do.

Here are my writing/editing/reading/etc goals for January:
  • Write book #1 (no real title yet)
  • Edit 10 hours in District Pluto
  • Read 1 book
  • Blog once a week
It's simple enough right. That's just my goals for writing. I have personal, work, and school goals that are not added to the list. For now, I'm keeping my blog strictly writing related until later in the year. Smaller lists help me stay focused. I won't feel so overwhelmed with all the things I need to do.

We'll see if it helps at all.