Monday, May 11, 2015

Progress Update: Getting Somewhere

So far, I've been doing really well. I'm on top of most of my projects this month. I'm almost done editing The Morality Sentence. It's going much better than I hoped. I think I wrote this one really well and it's one of my favorites so far.

I'm currently writing the Escapist (temp. title). I have about 10k written in the novel so far and it's getting into the interesting and fun stuff.

I'm doing well with keeping up a schedule. Though, I haven't been good with these blog posts. I was going to post the Blogging Circle prompt last week but I didn't finish it.  I should try to work on that soon. And once I get everything set up, I'm going to show off my writing planner. It doesn't sound exciting but it's keeping me on track of everything. I can't keep track of anything on the computer because I tend to ditch it after a while. My planners are always around.

Anyway, this is my really quick and random update.